Home Standby Generators Increase Resale Value

happy couple sold their house

Are you wondering what the installation of a home standby backup generator will do to your house value? you will be very happy to discover that an operating and well-maintained generator will generally increase the value of your home and makes for a great investment!

Many people decide to invest in a standby home generator for the biggest reason of peace of mind during power outages. We all know that a standby generator can keep electricity flowing to our needed appliances including refrigerators, freezers and kitchen ranges.

During COVID, while many are working at home, having dependable power is even more important with the increase in “work from home” requirements. When you’re trying to get your monthly report done, or working on your employer’s essentials, you likely need your laptop along with a dependable internet connection. When the power goes out, you can keep working with a home generator ready to kick in.

Home Generators & Resale Values

But there’s another benefit to having a home generator installed that sometimes gets overlooked: The investment value in resale price of your home!

In 2014, Remodeling Magazine conducted a survey and discovered that a home generator can increase home resale value by up to 150% of your costs to purchase and install the unit. The respected Consumer Reports indicated in their research that a house with a standby generator could increase between 3 and 5%. But there’s a little catch to getting the premium increases in value:

Professionally Installed Standby Generators Provide The Highest Returns

The research indicated that home-buyers prefer to have the comfort knowing that it was not an amateur that did the installation. Those looking to purchase new homes today can be quite savvy when it comes to ensuring any new renovations, additions, or upgrades have been done by professionals. While it is true of course, that home do-it-yourselfers can quite often do a great job, you can’t always count on this. New home buyers know that.

Safety & Legal Considerations of Standby Generator Installations

Installing a standby generator for your home takes not only planning but a high degree of knowledge about local and national standards, legal requirements, and safety precautions. Oftentimes, the home owner who tries to take on this installation job on their own will run into problems, make shortcuts, and won’t realize the standards that are needed to ensure an installation that will continue to be safe into the future.

Backup Generator Sizing

One of the biggest problems we see in “do-it-yourself” jobs is where the home owner has not correctly estimated the power they will need when the public electricity utility can’t provide electrical power. A standby generator that is too small will cause grief and problems, and that’s not something new home buyers want to deal with. They’ll want to know what the generator’s rating is and what the power requirements were when you installed it, and a professional can best assist with this side of helping you select and install a generator in your home.

Be Safe – Do It Right For All The Benefits

Now that you know that a home standby generator could increase the value of your home if you decide to sell it, you’ll want to consider having the installation done by a professional who can also provide maintenance plans to ensure continued reliable operation.

Our team is available throughout the GTA to help you with this big project, and our goal is to exceed your expectations! We also have maintenance and standby generator service plans available so you don’t have to worry about a thing.

Contact Us Today

Contact us today to explore your options for a Cummins Standby Generator for your home today!

Our contact information and service areas are available here.