standby backup generator installed on rural property

Whole House Generators Vs Just The Essentials?

It's a question we get asked a lot! And for good reason, as many people want to ensure standby backup power but also are looking for the most economical ways to have it:

Is it cheaper to have a generator to support just the essentials in the house, sump pump, furnace, fridge, and freezer?

At first, it might seem to be the most economical plan when thinking about a standby backup generator for your home or small business. Purchasing a generator large enough to just power what you consider the essentials in your home or office might seem at first to be the obvious choice. Backup generators rated for lower kW/kVa would probably be less expensive, all other things being equal.

Only powering the essentials would seem to be the most economical route to take.

But the fact is, it would likely be more expensive for you in the long run!

In most cases, it is more economical to support the whole house:

in a whole home back-up there is only 1 automatic transfer switch to be installed with the generator. For partial support, there would need to be a transfer switch, essential service panel and desired circuits removed from the existing panel to be installed in the essential service panel, meaning more material, more labour and possible callbacks to move over additional circuits.

Get The Right Sized Generator In The First Place

Making sure you have the right-sized generator is a big consideration. Many people underestimate their power needs during an extended power outage. Often, they think of power outages of short duration and forget about all the electrical utilities that they rely on should they face an extended power outage as often is the case. Only powering a few "essentials" during an outage that lasts many hours (as this one in Etobicoke) or even days will likely cause you almost as much frustration and annoyance as not having the correct sized generator in the first place.

How Do I Know What The Right Size Generator Is For My Whole House Backup Power?

The correct way to determine this is to do a complete house survey of all your electrical equipment that you run including appliances, smart home devices, entertainment, medical equipment, clocks, garage door openers, freezers, electric hot water heaters, HVAC, lighting, and all the small things you might need to use but often forget about.

Using our Power Consumption Calculator is a great way to start, and we can go through the results with you. You might even realize you had important needs that you had not even thought of. It's pretty common to underestimate your electrical needs during a long term power outage.

What About Backup Power Generator Maintenance

Yes, whole house standby power generators do need regular maintenance. They are machines, and just like your automobile, require maintenance including oil changes to ensure optimal operation when you need it the most. We can help with ensuring your whole house generator is serviced at the right time and on schedule.

What Areas Do You Serve?

We're located in Orangeville, Ontario, and service all of the Greater Toronto Area and areas north, east and west.

Contact us today and we'll help you select the right generator for your whole house backup power generation needs!