Quebec Power Outage Affects Over A Million!
The Province of Quebec is no stranger to extreme weather that often causes large swaths of the province to experience power outages. While having several major cities, the province also has a tremendous area of rural landscape with farms, small towns and villages, and remote habitations. Storms in all four seasons and throughout the year have always affected “La Belle Province” and electric outages are common during these times.
This past week has been no exception as a major storm hit much of the province of Quebec with downpours and high winds, taking both trees and power lines with it as it passed through. This has resulted in almost a million Quebec Hydro customers to be without power and many will not see it restored until at least November 6th, 2019 – meaning 5+ days without electricity to their homes.
According to CTV News, problems with restoring the power has been exacerbated with so many trees that were uprooted or had broken limbs taking down power lines which has meant that electrical repair crews have also needed to work like “lumberjacks” in order to make repairs.
With winds gusting to 100 km/hour, much damage was done including leaving at least one person killed in the wake of the storm. There are over 50,000 residences affected on the island of Montreal alone. Government officials have called for more police and other protective services to help with the carnage that the storm has left to assist Quebecers and help with safety concerns.
Of course, this has not only affected residences and homes, but has been detrimental to businesses in the Province. Not only have the people of Quebec had to deal with power outages, but also flooding and water damage.
Southern Ontario At Risk Of Similar Storms & Power Outages
Ontario shares a long border with Quebec, and often the storms that strike Quebec also strike parts of Ontario. When they do, large areas including Toronto, the Greater Toronto Area suburbs and surrounding rural towns and villages can also be affected by power outages caused by the same reasons. It can take restoration crews many hours and sometimes several days to restore power and bring back some sense of normalcy after these events occur.
Of course, those who have standby power generation installed at their homes or businesses have much less to worry about, including water damage, if their generators have been installed by a professional taking into account all power generation needs including the electricity required to keep sump pumps running. Often, when having a standby generator installed, power needs during an extended outage are not fully taken into account! This can be frustrating and one of the reasons we at AMP-TRAK Controls spend a great deal of time consulting with you in order to discover what your power needs would be during any kind of outage, from short to long term.
Standby Generators Provide Assurances & Put Your Mind At Ease
Look around your home or small business and think about what it would be like to go through a power outage for a long period of time. What would you do with the food in your fridge? How will you stay “connected” to the world once your mobile devices including cell phones’, laptops’, and tablets’ batteries run out? How will your family handle the situation of being forced to stay at home without any power? This is a possibility that even during a long term outage where there may be shelters available, that you can’t get there due to downed trees or other obstructions blocking your route.
AMP-TRAK Controls have been helping families and business owners for over 20 years in ensuring reliable power in an unreliable world! With a range of standby generators for both home and small commercial applications, we’ve been helping people live normal lives during unexpected power outages throughout the Greater Toronto Area and Southern Ontario.
Give us a call today: (519) 941-6740. We’ll help keep your family and small business make it through those power outages that are sure to happen.